Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we are authorized to sell at the products listed in our store.

We accept 10+ payment methods on our website, check out our Discord for an exhaustive list.

When your purchase is complete, you will receive the license(s) to your respective product(s) on the order receipt page, account page, and in an email from us.

As we are mere resellers, we don’t always know the exact reasons, but often, the cause is maintenance, hosting outages, or a DDoS attack.

Yes, you will receive instructions and helpful links, so you know exactly how to redeem your license, download your product, and get started with it.

You can reach out to our customer support, may that be through our live chat, contact page, or Discord, but you can also directly contact the product staff in most cases.

We accept all currencies. The payment processor we are using will automatically convert your currency at checkout.

As for credit card payments, all card credentials are encrypted at rest with AES-256 over at Stripe. Your data within our website and the products we sell are also secured to a great extent out of reach for malicious people.

Unless you paid with crypto, you will get an email instantly after payment with your license alongside instructions. You should also receive this information on the order receipt page.

We sell products solely for PC. A rule of thumb is to down your own research before purchasing a product to decide whether it fits you.

Some of them are lifetime, and some of them are subscription-based. Generally, if the product information doesn’t state anything about the duration of the subscription, it means that the product is valid for a lifetime.

You can go to our product status page and check the detection status. If it is stated as ‘Online”, it is undetected and therefore, safe to use.

Your eligibility for a refund depends on several criteria. Refer to our refund policy for more information.

We tend to restock on a weekly basis. Upon elevated demand, we may make an exception.

No, we’re currently experiencing issues with both Cash App and PayPal, and therefore, we cannot offer either payment methods, but we’re working on bringing them back as soon as possible.